Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Health & Well Being 'Road Shows'

We are planning a series of Health & Well Being Road Shows which will take place in various venues around the catchment area of the practices. We hope that you will take the opportunity to come along and find out the progress of changes to the Nation Health Service and the Holywell Medical Group. It is an occasion where you will be able to chat to various members of the Patient Participation Group, and give us any ideas that you may have for improving our service to you.
It is also an opportunity to come along and have a FREE HEALTH CHECK, or seek advice from the many voluntary groups who will be represented.
The first of these road shows is to take place on Thursday 21st July, from 10 am to 2 pm, at STAVELEY AND BARROW HILL COMMUNITY ROOMS.
Refreshments are available and there will be a cake stall and book stall, along with childrens activities.
Please look out for the posters in the surgeries, or call for more information.